
The Room is a small format installation that combines video, sound and body language. The atmosphere merges with the projections, sound and body language of the actress. Creating a climate where the expression further texturizes the projected colors.
The Room is a multidisciplinary work, constant exploration where image, sound and movement are combined.

Audio accessibility

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My project The Room

I am Roxana Vanesa, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am dedicated to multidisciplinary art with particular interest in the audio-visual, acting and body language sectors. My trajectory begins in the ’90s to the present.

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Lilith The Original Lie

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El individuo ha luchado siempre para no ser absorbido por la tribu. Si lo intentas, a menudo estarás solo, y a veces asustado. Pero ningún precio es demasiado alto por el privilegio de ser uno mismo.

The individual has always fought not to be absorbed by the tribe. If you try, you will often be alone, and sometimes scared. But no price is too high for the privilege of being oneself.

Friedrich Nietzsche