A Language

Body Expression is the oldest form of communication between human beings, prior to written and spoken language. It is the means to express sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts. In this way, the body becomes an irreplaceable instrument of human expression that allows contact with the environment and with others.
The body is the instrument of human communication that daily comes into contact with the environment and others. This conception clearly determines the sense of bodily expression as a communicative axis of intrinsic formation to human being from its origins.

The Body Expression is a medium that through codes of the body and of movement communicates with the environment, with the others and with itself. It is framed in the languages of art and is essential in the development of subject formation, because access to and understanding of them make it possible to understand and appreciate the world from an aesthetic and cultural judgment that links the human being to social and cultural events of different contexts and times.

It is the means to express sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Several authors define this language: for Stokoe (1997), it is the means that allows human beings to improve their growth, development and maturation in an integral way. Bara (1975), affirms that the corporal expression reveals an internal conte- und without taking into account aesthetic or unitary concerns, this means that, no specific form designed only to express itself is contemplated. For Ortiz (2002), “Body Pressure, is the set of techniques that use the body and the movement” (p. 111). It is art that releases energies through movement and expression. Berge (1985) conceives it as the way to find in ourselves the most authentic and profound. Santiago (1985) mentions that body pressure is the space where man manifests himself, with others and with the world around him.
the different authors agree from their different words in concluding that body expression is communication, expression and self-knowledge in the construction of the individual. Likewise, Romero (1999) states that it generates motor development, communication and aesthetics. Considering that the body, movement and feeling are its basic elements.

The body is that tool that makes it possible for the being to communicate from the inside to the outside. Since one is born, lives and dies, it is he who manifests his feeling and expresses the experiences lived through processes of stimulation, exploration, development and expression in himself.

The body is that tool that makes it possible for the being to communicate from the inside to the outside.

Two great qualities that show the Body Expression at the language level are spontaneity and creativity. These concepts maintain that externalizing, is what the body feels or speaks and spontaneity, allows feelings to emanate without any pre-established norm of communication.
This way of manifesting without much consciousness the sensations and stimuli that give rise to a form of free expression, is what identifies the subjects and makes them visible in their feelings.

Body expression has to do with the fact of birth, the development of being in life and death itself. The body always expresses itself until it dies, it takes shape with the experiences lived in the family, society and culture, the individual interacts with his environment and receives information from it. The body is the meeting place, which recognizes and produces experiences in the interaction with the world, creating codes of communication and a language. In this multicultural society full of events provoked by different actors: the state, the church, the media, the family, the school, the street, the city, etc. coexist the body and its social interaction.
From the body, expression is linked to the world, to existing reality, recreating the context and everyday life in an active way where one is not a passive actor. That is, the mental representations that are possessed, are manifested through the body, there is a direct relationship of body expression with what is said, felt and done.

Body expression has to do with the fact of birth, the development of being in life and death itself.

Speaking of the elements of body expression, we have the body scheme, which can be understood as that structure that is part of the tactile, visual and proprioceptive sensations. It is the mental representation of one’s body and the other. Le Boulch (1973), defined it as a global intuition or knowledge that one has of one’s body, in a state of rest as in movement, relating the different parts of the body to the space and the objects that surround us. Coste (1980), clarifies that it has to do with the awareness that the individual gradually takes and the way to relate to his own possibilities based on the experience of the body.

The body from the body expression is projected as a territory of scenic representation when it contemplates characters, those beings that are somehow installed in the body and that are developing through voices and sounds. Scenarios and times that are dramatized in the expression of the body. This thanks to the representation or personification that evidences the interaction of suffering, laughter, joy or sadness. The body as scenic territory, as Matoso says, (1992), allows “to consider the unity of a session as a body-dramatic unit, because the scenic is in the body work as much as the body is in the scene” (p. 77).

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